Crumbs of Bread, Democracy and Pigeons

And next time we go to a protest
(since sooner or later, we’ll go to one again, won’t we)
that serves our rights, or some other cause
(because a protest always takes place
for a good reason and a proper cause,
or a good cause and a proper reason,
but in any case
not for fraud or treason),
we’ll shout (if we don’t just remain sulky-faced)
and will remain seated, or maybe we’ll stand
(but either way, we’ll be drinking beers)
there until someone who represents
the representatives of those addressed appears,
and we’ll say to that POC of ours: You do not understand
the liberal values of modern society,
the laws of Newton, the rules of Christianity
and/or the peculiarities of an agnostic’s life,
and/or whatever else you may happen not to understand,
but first and foremost, our particular visions
about anything and all that we cannot know, let alone see, actually
but are ready to support scientifically and factually
and we’ll throw crumbs of bread to the pigeons —
because we’ll be bringing sandwiches with us,
not wanting to let starvation obstruct our persistence —
and pigeons will like to have crumbs of bread thrown to them —
not wanting to let starvation obstruct their existence —
and crumbs of bread don’t really care
(since they have no soul, or face, or beak,
or they do, but cannot speak),
whether they are thrown or not,
or whether they are thrown
to a pigeon, or a cat,
or a stray dog, or a bat,
or some unsuspecting spider
that only crawls on walls,
and actually, we don’t care either
that much, but anyway,
pigeons will be happy with our careless grace,
and clapping with their wings as they fly away,
a few crumbs heavier than just before some seconds,
but a whole bread more arrogant and cocky,
they’ll be cooing with despise:
Coo[l that we are wise
enough to fly away from these
clumsy human entities that only emit
some lousy crumbs of bread
and creepy sounds,
God dammit]!
